Programa de lecturas

Schedule of Classes & Deadlines

Please note:

1.) Primary materials have dates and locations in parentheses to help you situate them historically and geographically. “CC” stands for “crítica contemporánea” and indicates secondary materials.

2.) All links are required reading. Click on all the links to view not only the PDFs, but also supplementary material that is also required reading, such as biographies of authors. If a PDF link is not working, email and CC me.

3.) If password recovery does not work to give you access to editing this WordPress site to upload your comentario de texto, email for help. Come to office hours or visit the Media tutors in the library for more extensive help.

4. Download Powerpoints here after class has met.

Weekly List of Readings

(click on the link to jump to a specific week):
Week 1 January 25
Week 2 February 1
Week 3 February 8
Week 4 February 15
Week 5 February 22
Week 6 March 1
Week 7 March 8
Week 8 March 15
Week 9 March 22
Week 10 March 29
Week 11 April 5
Week 12 April 12
Week 13 April 19
Week 14 April 26
Week 15 May 3

When California was México: Testimonios (1769-1890)

Week 1:

Monday, January 25: Introduction to the course, learning goal setting (keep your responses for the final Participation Reflection at the end of the semester)

Wednesday, January 27

  • Leer el syllabus; firmar (electrónicamente) y mandar el contrato más el “student info sheet” (ver email).
  • Research online: Maps of the U.S. and Mexico in 1821 and 1848, The Treaty of Guadalupe
  • Eulalia Pérez (1766-1878, California) “Una vieja y sus recuerdos…” (1877, California) 51
  • Apolinaria Lorenzana (1790-1884, California) (watch PBS video with reenactments of her testimonio) and read her “Memorias” (1878, California) 55
  • Watch episode 1 of the PBS documentary “Latino Americans” 

(Jump back to weekly list of readings)

Week 2:

Monday, February 1

Wednesday, February 3

  • WordPress Training
  • Terminar conversaciones del día anterior
  • Leer esta entrada que describe varias perspectivas sobre una controversia sobre lo que significa el nombre de un antropólogo blanco en un edificio universitario y sus interaccionnes con un hombre indígena de las tierras que hoy se llaman “California”. Leer también todos los comentarios. Hay varias perspectivas y argumentos diferentes entre la entrada original y los comentarios. Apuntar por lo menos 3 argumentos específicos de la entrada y sus comentarios. Estén listos para repetir los argumentos durante la clase.

(Jump back to weekly list of readings)

Histories and Legacies of Racism and Imperialism (1492-present)

Week 3:

On 2/8 Sign up for your blog post with a comentario de texto at:

Monday, February 8

  • CC: Morín, “A Separate and Inferior Race
  • CC: Perea, “Tracing the Trajectories of Conquest
  • Hagan una lista de por lo menos 2 citas de Vallejo y/o de la Guerra que se relacionan con las lecturas históricas/críticas de hoy. Escriban las citas a máquina para poder compartirlas en el Whiteboard.
  • Investiguen la tierra indígena que ocupa Davidson College y el papel de la labor de personas esclavizadas en su historia. Empiecen con este sitio web organizado por une estudiante (they/them) quien se graduó en el 2020, basado en el trabajo de muchxs otrxs estudiantes (Visual and Thematic Narrative).

Wednesday, February 10

(Jump back to weekly list of readings)

Week 4:

Monday, February 15

  • Lorne Dee Cervantes (b. 1954), “Poem for the Young White Man Who Asked Me How I, an Intelligent, Well-Read Person Could Believe in the War Between Races” (1981, California)
  • CC: Peggy McIntoshUnpacking White Privilege
  • CC: Arauz, “Unpacking the Mochila
  • CC: Robin DiAngelo “White Fragility
  • Opcional: Leer este artículo sobre DiAngelo (¡Un escándalo!)
  • Assignment: Add 2-4 items to the list of “Unpacking la Mochila”; write a private (not to be collected) reflection of 150-200 word describing the impact of racial identity on your life then read: 
  • Recordatorio: Ensure you are following Latinx media sites already and have expanded upon the ones you began following.
  • Purchase the $8 paperback of the novel we will read (The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao) or make a plan to borrow it from the library for the dates we will use it (see below).

Sign up for your Group Research Project by February 17 at:

Early Latina Feminisms & Patriarchal Representations of Women and Feminism

Wednesday, February 17

(Jump back to weekly list of readings)

Week 5:

Monday, February 22

  • Juan del Jarro El feminismo” p. 97 (1918, Texas)
    • Adriel
    • Josie
    • Lindsey
    • Francisco
    • ALyssa
    • Shannon
    • Carolina
    • Estos estudiantes leen sólo a Juan del Jarro (y repasan el “Flapper” de Colón, poníendolos en conversación).
    • Ambos grupos deben repasar a Capetillo.
  • María Luisa Garza (1887-1980) “La mujer de talento” p. 302 (1920, Texas)
    • Dylan
    • Lydia
    • Eliza
    • Lily
    • Yara
    • Maria S.
    • Maria R.
    • Laura
    • Estos estudiantes leen sólo a Garza (y repasan a Jovita Idar, buscando conexiones entre Garza, Idar y Capetillo).
    • Ambos grupos deben repasar a Capetillo.
  • Empiecen a leer/ver para el miércoles.
  • Consuelo Lee Tapia (1904-1989) “Las mujeres y la identidad puertorriqueña” p. 313 (1940, Puerto Rico)

Have a planning meeting with your Group by February 24 and set dates for all future meetings.

The Construction of Chicana/o/x Identity

Wednesday, February 24

(Jump back to weekly list of readings)


Week 6:

Monday, March 1

  • Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzáles (Colorado 1928-2005), “I am Joaquin” (Colorado y el suroeste en general, 1967) 265
  • Pelicula corta de “I am Joaquín” dirigida por Luis Valdez.
  • CC: Hartley, “I am Joaquin: Rodolfo ‘Corky’ Gonzales and the Retroactive Construction of Chicanismo” 241
  • Empiecen a leer a la poesía de Yesika Salgado y/o Anzaldúa.
  • Medios sociales post is due by March 20

Wednesday, March 3-NO HAY CLASE

Have a planning meeting with your Group by March 8 to discuss at least 3 bibliographic sources per person.

(Jump back to weekly list of readings)

Chicana and Latinx Feminisms

Week 7:

Monday, March 8

Wednesday, March 10

(Jump back to weekly list of readings)

Week 8:

Monday, March 15

Representing Gender and Sexuality in the Caribbean, Its Diaspora, and Immigration More Broadly

BY 3/17: Go on my Calendly to schedule an office hours appointment to discuss your comentario de texto and progress in the course.

Wednesday, March 17

  • Watch Seeking Asylum in the US to Escape Trans Discrimination on YouTube
  • Talusan, “Jennicet, Uninterupted
  • CC: Lean selecciones de Cruelty as Citizenship de Cristina Beltrán
  • Vean dos videos de “Somos la célula” y preparen 3 preguntas para sus creadores. Empiecien con el video “Tácticas de solidaridad en la era de la deportación masiva” (at the bottom of the page) and also watch “¿Quién es ciudadano?”.
  • Empiecen a leer a Wao.

(Jump back to weekly list of readings)

Have a planning meeting with your Group before March 29 to plan the presentation and assign tasks.

Week 9:

Monday, March 22

  • Review 1. Tendremos clase a las 8:05 como siempre, pero trabajermos sobore el Repaso/examen juntxs.
  • Preparación: Repasen los apuntes.

Wednesday, March 24

  • Preparen por lo menos una oración cada una sobre 1.) el video sobre la inmigración trans y el artículo sobre Jennicet 2.)  la lectura de Beltrán “Cruelty as Citizenship” y 3.) la conversación con “Somos la célula”. Las tres oraciones deberían explicar o cosas nuevas que aprendieron o cosas que quieren siempre recordar para el futuro. Estén preparados para compartir sus oraciones por el chat/whiteboard (o sea, escríbanlas a máquina.)
  • Remember that there is now a draft of the PPT that you can review before class, in a specific folder, for those of you who prefer to view PPTs before class. Note that the final PPT will be retitled with 2021 and put in the main folder after class. There is a PPT on Wao to consult.
  • Write down a few sentences reflecting on what taking and discussing the review revealed to you about what you have been learning. Consult the learning outcomes on the syllabus and check in on your progress on each. What are areas of stength and weakness? What may you want to change about your preparation for class and your reviewing practices going forward?
  • Junot Díaz (b. 1968), The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, p. 1-99.
  • The Annotated Oscar Wao (Be aware that there are some relatively minor errors on this group-sourced guide)

(Jump back to weekly list of readings)

Week 10:

Monday, March 29

  • Junot Díaz (b. 1968), The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, p. 100-261.
  • My article on Wao [Skim it; optional, not required]
  • Baina Colonial” – Zahira Kelly

Wednesday, March 31

(Jump back to weekly list of readings)

Intersections of Cuban-American Exile Identity, Race, & Sexuality

Week 11:

Monday, April 5

  • Clase asincrónica. Leer las entradas de por lo menos 3 compañeros sobre las cuentas de medias sociales que ellos están siguiendo. Hagan 3 comentarios en sus entradas.
  • Repasar los Learning Outcomes y Grading Specifications en el syllabus. Buscar la hoja o el documento donde apuntaste tus metas personales para el curso, durante la primera semana. Reflexionar sobre que has hecho hasta ahora para lograr las metas de apredizaje (Learning Outcomes) y para satisfacer los requisitos de la nota que seleccionaste. Revisar tus ausencias, notar si me avistaste antes o después de casa ausencia (y si leíste el syllabus) y reflexionar sobre qué porcentake de las lecturas has completado. Apuntar todas tus reflexiones, ya que tendrás que prepararla al final del semestre.
  • Read about Pecha Kucha presentation style (Pecha Kucha is a suggested format inspiration for your presentation; however, your presentations will not follow a strict Pecha Kucha style, as they will be approximately 15 minutes.)
  • Watch the video at the bottom about Pecha Kucha at the bottom of the article with your group, brainstorm how you will incorporate this required format for your presentation, and make a plan to visit the Speaking Center with at least 2/3 of your group present by 4/14

SPRING BREAK 2.0 April 7-8

Wednesday, April 7-NO HAY CLASE

(Jump back to weekly list of readings)

Representing Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Latinx TV

Week 12:

Monday, April 12

Wednesday, April 14

  • Ver “Vida” en Starz. [There are a total of less than three hours of viewing, in six short episodes. You can access for free via a two-week free trial of Starz on Amazon.]
  • Review 2: You will reflect individually and collectively on what you have learned so far.

(Jump back to weekly list of readings)

Week 13:

Monday, April 19:

  • Assign presentation days; plan date for course evaluations
  • Course Evaluations
  • Ver “Vida” en Starz. [There are a total of less than three hours of viewing, in six short episodes. You can access for free via a two-week free trial of Starz on Amazon.]

Wednesday, April 21:

  • Ver el episodio 1 de “Gentified” en Netflix
  • Dreamers Adrift
  • Julio Salgado
  • Osito, episodes 1-15
  • Bad Jotos Club, episode 2. parts 1-3
  • Preguntas para preparar:
    • ¿Cuál es la metáfora del programa? ¿A qué códigos contemporáneos se refiere? ¿Qué programas de reality tienes que haber visto para entender el programa?

    • ¿Por qué se refieren a si mismo como “chicas” y con pronombre femininos?

    • ¿Por qué se refieren a solicitar DACA como “selling out”?

    • ¿Qué se está satirizando en esta serie? ¿A qué tipos de conflictos entre activistas se refiere?

      (NB. “Dacamented” = possessing temporary work authorization and other benefits under DACA)

(Jump back to weekly list of readings)

Week 14:

Monday, April 26: PRESENTATIONS

Recordatorio: No se olviden de cancelar la suscripción a Starz en Amazon!

Wednesday, April 28: Last day of class, PRESENTATIONS

(Jump back to weekly list of readings)

May 3-5: Reading, Writing, Reflection Days


EXAMS May 7-12

Cut Readings:
