
Over the course of the semester you can earn up to 2 “virtual tokens,” or fichas. Each token can be exchanged for one of the following, which you will indicate in your final report:

  • Strike one absence from your attendance record
  • Count late comments as on time
  • Retake an exam that was completed at the Unsatisfactory level
  • Revise and resubmit your Unsatisfactory comentario de texto blog post in order to fulfill Satisfactory expectations. (This is separate from the option of completing an additional close reading and coming to office hours for a second evaluation, which does not require a token.)
  • Revise and resubmit your Satisfactory comentario de texto in order to fulfill Sophisticated expectations. (This is separate from the option of completing an additional close reading and coming to office hours for a second evaluation, which does not require a token.)

Oportunidades para ganar fichas

(1) Ayudar a Charlotte Lab School
  • There are various opportunities to help the Spanish-speaking parents at Charlotte Lab School, including translation of newsletters and websites, attending open houses via Zoom to provide live interpretation to Spanish-speaking parents and/or to provide translations for parents in Zoom chat.
  • Attend the required intern orientation, sign the intern agreement, and sign up with the Bilingual Coordinator, Ms. Barbara Najenson, to help with one of these projects. You will assess how much time the project will take and commit to it. You should plan to commit at least three hours total to the project; you can choose to commit more. It’s okay if you also count this time toward your Bonner scholar hours. Contact me if you have any questions about the time commitment required for this Ficha.
  • Because the time involved varies widely but should be at least 3-4 hours, you will only need to complete a short report on the class blog.
    • En la categoría de Fichas/Token, pon 2-3 oraciones describiendo el proyecto con el que ayudaste.
(2) Conexiones intelectuales
  • Attend two 1 hour or one 2+ hour event(s) from the list of events I email to the class.
  • If you identify an event on- or off-campus that you think has a meaningful connection to class, email me to ask if it qualifies, explaining exactly why you think it might.
  • Para recibir esta ficha, debes:
    • Escribir una entrada, y publicarla en el blog, de 350-500 palabras describiendo las conexiones que percibes entre lo que aprendiste en el evento y las ideas claves de nuestra clase.
    • Referirte a conversaciones específicas de clase/el blog y/o a las metas intelectuales (“learning outcomes”) que aparecen en el syllabus.
    • Tienes que seleccionar la categoría “Fichas/Tokens” cuando publiques tu entrada.
(3) Latinx Culture at Davidson College

Attend at least two OLAS events (required for this Ficha) and seek information via your networks about Latinx culture on Davidson’s campus. Write a 350-400 word blog post answering the following questions.

  • What do Latinx students think about Latinx culture on our campus? What are students, staff, and faculty doing to represent Latinx culture on our campus?
  • Draw connections between other classes you have taken and Latinx culture. How could one or more of these classes have meaningfully incorporated Latinx culture?