Office Hours

Dr. Melissa M. González

Chambers 2256

Office Hours:

  • By Appointment: You can sign up for an appointment, at least 24 hours in advance, on another day and time via

You should make every effort to make an appointment through Calendly; however, if you cannot, please email me to schedule a meeting outside of these times.

As indicated for assignments, you are expected to meet with me several times during the semester. You are also highly encouraged to come to office hours at any time to discuss your progress in the course as well as any academic interests I may be able to help you with.

E-mail Policies:

  • Students are expected to read their email at least once daily in order to keep up with important announcements regarding our class.
  • I aim to reply to all e-mails within 48 hours during the semester, not including weekends. If ever I do not respond to an e-mail within 48 hours, please e-mail me again. Sometimes e-mails get caught in the spam folder or get buried under the sometimes very large number of e-mails I receive daily.
  • If you want a quick response, e-mail during office hours. Please do not expect a quick response in the evening or on the weekends.
  • Please do not send e-mails asking for information that you could find on the syllabus or the course website. I may or may not respond to such e-mails. If you need information about anything you missed because you were not in class, please come to office hours instead of e-mailing.